Rachel Pops 
Certified Success & Relationship Coach

with Covenant Coach Academy 
and Destiny Global
Founder of Foundations of a Dream Life™ 
and The CAPTURE Method™
7 Money Lies that are keeping you broke...

and it's NOT what you think!

get the 7 Biblical secrets that uncomplicate and multiply your money!

This is an event you DON'T want to miss!

With Guest Speakers

Gerda Gauk

Certified Freedom Coach 

 Founder of The Lonely Marriage Cure™ and The Valiant Wife Method™

and Multi-millionaire 
Mystery Guest...

What if the only reason you're struggling with money is because...
almost everything you've been taught....is a lie!

Have you found money to be confusing, hard, and scarce? What if it's actually simple, easy, and plentiful? 

Have you ever wondered how there are so many promises in the Bible, but yet they don't seem to be playing out in your life, no matter how hard you try?

What if it has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with understanding and implementing some very simple principles?

I'm talking about the very principles that many, wildly successful people in the Bible followed... 

  • Abraham, who was very rich in cattle, gold, and silver
  •  Isaac, who inherited that wealth and had so many possessions that he actually had to move
  • Jacob, who started from nothing and became very wealthy by the hand of the Lord, through his son, Joseph
  • ​Joseph, who was the ruler of all of Egypt and all the surrounding lands
  • ​David, who started out as a shepherd and was made a great king 
  • Lydia, who was ​very wealthy and one of the biggest supporters of Paul's ministry
  • ​Solomon who was the richest man to ever live on the earth
These were all godly men and women. They were not corrupt. They were not lucky. They just did things God's way, which produces incredible results!

It worked for them and it can work for you!

In These 4 Trainings You'll...

  • Get rid of the “money blocks” that are operating in your subconscious 
  • Discover the secret system to easily multiply your income that has been there all along
  • ​Find out God's purpose for money
  • The 7 Money Lies 
  • ​The 4 Spiritual Laws 
  • ​Uncover the secrets that financial institutions don't want you to know
  • ​Say goodbye to the hustle and grind...for good!
  • ​Get your money working for you using a wealth building system that's so simple a third grader could do it!
  • ​Find out what your 2 biggest expenses really are
  • ​Learn how to propel forward faster than you imagined

Maybe you've tried programs before and nothing has worked...how is this any different? 

That's exactly what you will learn in this Masterclass. This system is not on trial. It has been proven over and over and over...by everyone who uses it. 

It doesn't matter who you are, how much support you have or don't have, or what your occupation is - these principles will completely transform not just your finances, but your life. 

This will challenge you on deep levels. 

You'll build relationships, have fun, and leave with the mindset and tools you need to succeed!


"You become like the average of the 5 people 
you spend the most time with."


Start implementing what you learn TODAY!
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